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Coding Notes


March 22, 2019


There is a flex container and flex items.

You give the container the class display:flex

The immediate children become flex-items without having to write any css.

Working with Flex-Direction

The default is flex-direction:row

53FB276A A7B4 481A B4F1 F669E797C3D6

flex-direction: column

7D342DAC 35E5 4D8C 8248 583E3171D97D

When we are defining things as flex-direction: row and flex-direction:column we have two axises. The main axis and the cross axis.

The main axis on rows is left to right

ScreenShot2019 03 22at161214

The cross axis for flex-direction: rows is top to bottom:

8B794758 C8C2 4494 8FE4 7A5BAFBFC348

For columns, it’s the opposite.

4EA983B5 613E 4A40 ADA2 EEF46D4C98AF

There is also flex-direction: row-reverse

C1DA1C5D 7540 455A BF1D 04C0878E1D55

For flex-direction: column-reverse

402AAAE7 DFFA 4FC6 9849 5BE5A6EF654D

Wrapping Elements with Flexbox

We are going to select each flex item and give them a 300px width. What happens? See image below. Width 300px was clearly not applied.

76B676D4 8DA5 4199 ACAB 5EF16279FE8F

Flexbox tries to work with the widths you give it, but if it doesn’t work out it will evenly distribute it throughout the children or we will learn about flex property in future video where you can assign more or less to other ones.

flex-wrap is applied on the flex container (not the items) and the default value is nowrap.

There is also the wrap value.

4AA888BE 288C 4347 9217 FA09D6922970

6EDCAF53 8724 4A08 B80F 1C85EFEC930E

We didn’t set a height, that was done automatically. When we didn’t have the wrap on, each item was the entire length of the viewport. By default, the flex items will try to stretch across their container.

With flex-wrap, it says we need to stretch across our container but we also need to split it up between the 10 of us. The browser figure out we need four rows here, and then it splits it up evenly.

744C7F46 70FC 4B25 A2C4 A70704798564

AC6853A2 7669 4D4B B7BF 85D001E7210E

If we do flex-wrap:wrap-reverse the cross axis flips.

6A59B462 EDE8 4B97 A9EB 446135E1C1E5

Main axis stays the same. 40E66AD1 A993 47BB AAE2 C68B5ACCE494

If you add flex-direction:column to the flex-wrap:wrap

9E3D40D1 BFF6 44FF 99F4 E9999BCDCC7A

It wraps to the new page because in our container we have height:100vh but if we had min-height:100vh the items would go past the screen instead of wrapping to the new .line.

If you add margin on a flex-item, it will break the calculation since margin is not part of the box model like so:

48C4A6FB FA03 4E51 958C CB7229188D73

You could do a calculation like width:calc(33.333333% - 20px); margin:10px; and then it would look like

598B9A8D 8405 4590 BB5C 3E4F545FCDE0

Padding (and border) are part of the box-model, so it would work.

Flexbox Ordering

A way to move the order of DOM elements without actually moving them in the DOM.

You do that using the order css property.

The default is order:0

If you do .box3{ order:1} the #3 box will go to the very end, because all the other items are order:0 by default.

If you also add .box7 { order:2} the #7 box will be at the end .

C9489EA4 541E 45E8 982B E85F650B51EE

Negatives also work.

.box3 { order: -1 } .box7{order:-1} -> 5F8B1F6B 9523 4572 8125 68372EEBC381

If you put the out of order, when you try to copy the text, it will copy them out of turn so it will still copy 1, 2, 3, 4 even if you have ordered them 1,2,4,3. Not good for copying text.

Flexbox Alignment + Centering with Justify-Content

A Complete Guide to Flexbox | CSS-Tricks

justify-content says how the items are aligned on the main axis.

The default is justify-content:flex-start;

Options are 0B2A3C1F CAD7 4FB2 B711 0479C13F97D0

146728EB B720 4B19 900B 9F7B23ADC0EB Html code:

BFE9B749 BEAC 43ED 9402 D2D720B464E7

When you change the flex-direction:column it looks completely different.

DC9CE904 14FB 4A6A AFED B3435C1D081F

15A258CA B878 4979 BA01 667B34D668FE

In order to take advantage of justify content when we switch main axis to column, is we need to give the container a height.

When you give the container a min-height on the column, like so:

.container {
  display: flex;
  flex-direction: column;
  justify-content: space-around;
  min-height: 100vh;
  border: 10px solid mistyrose;

You get ->

29CC7A62 F036 478F 9282 58BAF4E0996A

To center you do justify-content:center; 73104E23 2985 4BC6 8509 8331843D7317

Alignment and Centering with align-items

Deals with the cross-axis.

People often get frustrated with align-items:center when there is no height in the container.

For example, this code doesn’t change the positioning at all

.container {
  display: flex;
  align-items: center;
  border: 10px solid mistyrose;

18BE2602 81CE 4FBF BD28 C2983C04CB23

If you add height:100vh it looks like this:

5ACCBC9B E6B4 4856 874D 25419433D911

The container must have some sort of height .

However, if you take off align-items, it will look like this: 48318D51 7AD9 4804 AB0D F36B5483F25F

That is because the default is align-items:stretch

ScreenShot2019 03 22at174821

The baseline option aligns the bottom of all the text.

C3B8088F F65C 444B 829B B9D620D12833

When you change the flex-direction to column

1AAEC714 59E9 4C12 80B1 ACE4FA44F3B3

Aligning and Entering with align-content

What justify-content and align-content do is they look at the leftover whitespace and determine how to divvy it up.

With align-content, you can use the same values as justify-content.

justify-content takes up space on the main axis align-content takes up space on the cross axis.

Align-content only works when we have multiple lines, and if figures out what to do with the extra space on the cross-axis.

To test this, we need to give the flex items a width (width: 33.3333%). However, that just evenly distributes them like so:

D08FDCD5 12D9 4A18 B3C3 94AB08D254E7

To get them on multiple lines we need to add

.container {
  flex-wrap: wrap;

Which gives us this: 91660C8C DD67 493E 9966 A6D4705F0A9E

The default is align-items:stretch

If you do align-content:flex-start you get 787EBFFF BBDC 471D A451 B66919359592 The height of the items is no longer stretched, they instead become the height that they need (for the content and padding) .

If you add extra content in one of the items, the rest of the items in that row will grow to match the height, like so:

092351B2 DB3F 421D 9AF8 69B85F7B6944

align-content: space-between ->

2A4807EA E185 4576 8121 F5F02665B22F

align-content: center -> D72D47A5 5EE8 4D1B B8F4 CEA574A6C45B

.container {
  display: flex;
  border: 10px solid mistyrose;
  height: 100vh;
  flex-wrap: wrap;
  align-content: center;

What if we want the 10 in the center? We can use justify-content because it works on the main-axis.

94244D10 C39C 48AD A97A DD742D265A1C

.container {
  display: flex;
  border: 10px solid mistyrose;
  height: 100vh;
  flex-wrap: wrap;
  align-content: center;
  justify-content: center;

Align-content needs a wrap in order to work, and it works on the cross axis which is by default top to bottom unless we use flex-direction to change that

Aligning and Centering with Align-Self

.container {
  display: flex;
  border: 10px solid mistyrose;
  height: 100vh;
  align-items: flex-end;

.box {
  width: 33.333%;

.box2 {
  padding-bottom: 200px;

.box6 {
  padding-bottom: 0;

.box9 {
  padding-bottom: 50px;

14F28C21 ECCB 4BD2 B477 F7B864236B86

.container {
  display: flex;
  border: 10px solid mistyrose;
  height: 100vh;
  align-items: flex-start;

DF6FB518 B541 41C2 A793 D14D1F64D9BE

What if you wanted one of the flex-items to have sort of different attribute? You use align-self !

In this example the container is set to flex-start

.box9 {
  padding-bottom: 50px;
  align-self: flex-end;

529AAFB9 93B6 43D2 8112 1D8084DDE702

It’s exactly like align-items but you can apply it on a case by case basis on an individual flex item rather than the flex container.

Understanding Flexbox Sizing with the flex property

We are going to apply the property on the flex item this time, instead of the flex container.

What does flex do? It basically answers the question of what do I do with this extra space. Or what do I do when I don’t have enough space? It isn’t supposed to break your layout if you have too much space or not enough space.

by default they are set to width:auto which means they are as big as the content inside of them. 713602F0 9D5C 402E 81CC 6AC75C782652

If you apply

	flex: 1

Then all the items will take up the exact amount of space. EF6E00C6 2807 4BF3 9481 6DB25036A3FE

If you give

	flex: 2

You will see that it is twice the size of the other ones.

That is because we said if there is extra space (or there is not enough space) box2 should have double the amount of all the other ones.

If you make it more narrow, they will still try to even the width. If you have .box{flex:1} applied, it will look like this ->

DFC0BDCB 22C9 4760 ADFF B3796BB1D86B

If you also have .box2 { flex:2 } it will display the .box2 element as twice as large as the others in proportion.

CEDB0E0F 6C4D 4025 8913 9C850599D071

This is with .box5 {flex:3}

9975FA73 1CC9 4856 8430 25D73756D021

When there is extra space, or not enough space, how do we divey that up.

Understanding flex box flex-grow, flex-shrink and flex-basis

The flex-property actually has more values packed into it

flex-grow flex-shrink flex-basis

When we have extra space ,how should we divide it by everyone on the same line.

Flex-grow : when you have extra space ,how much does it take Flex-basis : in ideal world, before we grow or shrink, how big should it be? How wide should the element be? Or how high if we have switched the axis.

96D26F72 0413 4614 BBF2 512C1D7BB775

.box1{ flex-basis: 400px } .box2{flex-basis: 400px }

What happens when we have extra room? How should we divvy it up? That is what flex-grow is responsible for.

If you add flex-grow:1 to .box1, you will see .box2 is still 400px. That means the default flex-grow property is 0. 706C1F41 C786 4F4E B424 D52FFCB518B7

If you do

.box2 { flex-grow: 2;
.box2 { flex-grow:1}

48D833E1 5123 480E A787 75306782014D

One is moved a bit more to the right because it gets twice as much extra space.

If you do

.box2 { flex-grow: 10;
.box2 { flex-grow:1}

6DEE2824 6B65 42FA 83AA 6B1D6DED81DC

0C912009 4A47 4DEF 92B2 E830FD9E66D5

.box1 {
  flex-basis: 400px;
  flex-grow: 1;

.box2 {
  flex-basis: 400px;

flex-shrink is how do we slim ourselves down when there isn’t enough space for everyone.

The default flex-shrink is 1.

When there is not enough room, evenly divide it amongst yourselves until everyone is happy.

Flex-shrink: how much of myself should I give up in proportion to the other one.

FA77CF89 4277 4ED9 A8CA 490055ADE4E8

.box1 {
Flex-basis: 400px;
Flex-grow: 10;
Flex-shrink: 10

.box2 {
flex-basis: 400px;

You can do it short form

flex: shrink, grow, basis
flex: 10 5 400px

Flex Basis and Wrapping Work Together

How does it work when you change the direction of the axis or you have items that wrap.

.box {
flex-basis: 500px;

C6BB3606 1ADB 4EB0 8522 EDC33F6D7515

Flex-shrink is kicking in, that is why the items above even though set to 500px are only so big.

HOWEVER we can turn on flex-wrap:wrap on parent container.

61C2233D 0905 4DCE 9100 6F5F72728C23

However we have this extra space, how do you deal with it? Using flex-grow.

If you modify .box css to

.box {
flex-basis: 500px;

You get the following: B466A022 2DDD 4847 BC33 3B8FC10FAC3F

Flex-grow, shrink and basis only work on the row that they are on. They do not have any effect on the item before or after.

If you have the following code:

.container {
  display: flex;
  flex-wrap: wrap;

.box {
  flex-basis: 250px;
  flex-grow: 1;

.box3 {
  flex-grow: 10;

It will look like this:

3425E4D3 A8EB 4429 9E27 283901711E38

If you change the flex direction to column, and take out the flex-basis and just add flex-grow to .box and .box3 for example, nothing will happen. That is because the container has no height.

AB6CC91B 24F8 4365 B7CA C35EC3516278

However if you add min-height to the container you get

AF46B015 C223 412A 9F23 591BDC61EE74

If you add .box{ flex-basis: 250px}, each items will expand.

.container {
  display: flex;
  flex-wrap: wrap;
  flex-direction: column;
  border: 10px solid goldenrod;
  height: 100vh;

.box {
  flex-basis: 250px;
  flex-grow: 1;

.box3 {
  flex-grow: 5;

Will look like -> 675DBBBF FB4A 47DB B662 78D61470AE46

Cross Browser Flexbox Support - Old Flexbox vs New Flexbox

Flexbox has gone through 3 separate iterations and has different support on different browsers. We can just run our code through a compile step.

We write our code with the latest flexbox spec, and we put it into and it will prefix all the possible vendor prefixes and the older display box.

We are going to use gulp.js to watch our css and every time we save it will recompile it.

We need a package.json file. To create one, run npm init in whatever directory to create a package.json file.

Next, install gulp globally npm install gulp -g will install gulp globally. Sometimes you have to run sudo.

Now create a gulp file in the appropriate package.

In the directory run touch gulpfile.js and install a couple of plugins.. Run npm install gulp —save-dev which should save gulp to your packages.json file.

Next run npm install gulp-autoprefixer —save-dev

In the gulp file you write:

//import plugins
var gulp = require(‘gulp’);
var autoprefixer = require('gulp-autoprefixer');
//create task.. takes two parameters, name and function
gulp.task('styles', function(){
//now we need to source our files
//run it through our plugins and kick it out the other end in another file

Now when you run gulp styles it will compile the css and add it to the /build directory. In your html, you want to link to the css in the build directory not on the /styles directory.

Now we are going to add a watch task so we don’t need to rerun gulp styles, we want it to run automatically.

Create another task called watch

gulp.task('watch', function(){
//pass it the files that you wish for it to watch, and when those change you can pass it an array of gulp tasks to run'css/styles.css', ['styles'])

Now in the command line you can run gulp watch and whenever you update the css it will recompile it.

Code Along

We will be creating a nav using flex box in this tutorial

Box-sizing: CSS box-sizing — Control how width and height are applied - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets | MDN whether border and padding are added in addition to the width and height or are the border and padding included already in the width. For example, box-sizing: content-box if you set the width of the element to be 100px, any border and padding will be added to the final rendered width. For box-sizing:border-box if the element width is 100px, that 100px will include any padding or border. The content-box will shrink to absorb that extra width.

We have the following structure:


Currently looks like:

4CB53FCF B99B 4C8F B856 48BB0145AB2E

With this css:

/* Some CSS Setup - nothing to do with flexbox */
html {
  box-sizing: border-box;

*:after {
  box-sizing: inherit;

body {
  font-family: sans-serif;
  margin: 0;
  background-image: linear-gradient(260deg, #2376ae 0%, #c16ecf 100%);

a {
  color: white;
  font-weight: 100;
  letter-spacing: 2px;
  text-decoration: none;
  background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);
  padding: 20px 5px;
  display: inline-block;
  width: 100%;
  text-align: center;
  transition: all 0.5s;

a:hover {
  background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3);

.wrapper {
  max-width: 1000px;
  margin: 0 auto;
  padding: 50px;

/* Flex Container */
.flex-nav ul {
  border: 1px solid black;
  list-style: none;
  margin: 0;
  padding: 0;

@media all and (max-width: 1000px) {

@media all and (max-width: 500px) {

When you add display:flex to the ul element it looks like:

1D6948AB 3122 48F5 977C D689B292B97E

Next we add css style for individual list item:

flex-nav li {
flex: 1

And it looks like:

BD9557D6 5282 499A B131 58F78AE2ADE9

However the social links have too much space.

Modify the css like so:

.flex-nav li {
  flex: 3;

.flex-nav .social {
  flex: 1;

When we reach 1000pixels, we want them to stack vertically. One way to do that is to use flex-direction:column

If within a media query you do:

@media all and (max-width: 1000px) {
  .flex-nav ul {
    flex-direction: column;

It would look like -> 09D59052 78E2 4E54 B815 045BAC4FA85F

However we want the social icons in a row even when the rest of the list items are stacked.

So we need to keep it as flex-direction: row (which is the default).

Instead, we will apply flex-wrap:wrap. However, we also need to give it some sort of width for wrapping to work. We will do that using the flex-basis property.

We say 1 and 1 for grow and shrink because we want the items to grow and shrink equally.

.flex-nav li {
    flex: 1 1 50%;
  .flex-nav .social {
    flex: 1 1 25%;

8181D79C 441B 4558 96AD 84CFFEEA4CAA

Tip: Don’t over qualify your selectors too much or else you will run into issues down the road

For under 500px, we want the list items to stack except for the social icons so add

@media all and (max-width: 500px) {
  .flex-nav li {
    flex-basis: 100%;

EEC50AD3 6232 408F AE91 7787A8357470

Mobile Content Re-ordering with Flex-box

In this exercise, we are using the same nav bar as in the previous exercise, with one addition <a href=“#" class="toggleNav">☰ Menu</a>

6B726ACB 1380 4B48 BF55 22742CA5CE75

This is what the layout looks like. There is a hero section, a details section, a signup section and then the footer.

We want it to look like this when it is under 500px

DD24F394 B567 4D21 853D 68DD0E459D06

The menu goes to the top, and the details and signup section are re-ordered to be closer to the top.

One gotcha, we are using jQuery toggle.

In order to have flex-items, we need a flex container. We need to make the wrapper a flex-container.

@media all and (max-width: 500px) {
  .flex-nav li {
    flex-basis: 100%;
  .wrapper {
    display: flex;

Gives you: 8F1B9687 D86A 441B 85D4 268E9E300F68

It looks all jumbled, which we do not want. We need to swap the flex-direction.

.wrapper {
  display: flex;
  flex-direction: column;

72788EDA 4F5D 4483 95CD 5D04C061DA89

Next we want to start applying ordering to each item.

First we will do it on our flex-nav, however if we just do .flex-nav { order:1} it will actually go to the bottom because by default the order of each element is 0.

What we need to do is put a default order on everything else. We will select every immediate child of the wrapper in order to select each flex item:

/* Flex Item */
.wrapper > * {
  order: 9999;
.flex-nav {
  order: 1;

We will put a large number for the order value, and what happens when every item has the same order is the order in which they appear in the DOM takes precedence.

Now the nav is at the top, however we want the hamburger menu to appear on mobile.

.toggleNav {
  display: block;

.flex-nav ul {
  display: none;

22EB856A 62E1 4235 BD43 8FFC24A30461

When you click the Menu, the class “open” is toggled on and off as a class to the ul element. (We are doing that with jQuery) When you use jQuery to toggle something it changes the display from display none to display block, but we can’t have that because we want display: flex so we have to toggle on a class.

D227CB48 73AA 4D33 864A 0A0A89A3646C

We need to add this line to the media query:

  .flex-nav {
    display: flex;

Now the menu shows when you hit “Menu”.

To change the order of the details and signup component we need to add the following code to the media query:

.top {
  order: 2;

.details {
  order: 3;
.signup {
  order: 4;

Nesting Flexbox Vertical and Horizontal Centering with FlexBox

Complex Layouts! For the slider, we have items for each slide and back and next button. We used flex box because we weren’t sure how many items would be added, and we want the arrows to take up less space.

5B3D3EE4 CAFB 42EE BA98 489160AA20F3

Wes ran into an issue when trying to center the text and horizontally and vertically. However, there is a link that we also needed to stretch the entire width. The solution is nested flex box.

Starting with this code

    <div class="wrapper">
      <div class="slider">
        <img src="slide.jpeg" />

      <nav class="slider-nav">
          <li class="arrow">
            <a href="#"></a>

            <a href="#">Add a CLI to Node Apps with Vantage</a>

            <a href="#">NewSprint, Spectacle</a>

            <a href="#">Small Modules: Tales from a Serial Module Author</a>

            <a href="#">The End</a>

          <li class="arrow">
            <a href="#"></a>

And very basic css

html {
  box-sizing: border-box;

*:after {
  box-sizing: inherit;

body {
  font-family: sans-serif;
  margin: 0;
  background-image: linear-gradient(260deg, #2376ae 0%, #c16ecf 100%);

.wrapper {
  max-width: 1000px;
  margin: 0 auto;
  padding: 50px;

img {
  max-width: 100%;

a {
  color: white;
  text-decoration: none;
  font-size: 15px;
  background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);
  padding: 20px 5px;
a:hover {
  background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4);

.slider-nav ul {
  list-style: none;
  margin: 0;
  padding: 0;

016017CD FE7C 435C AFE0 E42072C2102E

We are going to make the ul our flex container.

5E81314F E8E3 4542 BC67 A1DE7B20FFD6

We want to make the flex items evenly spaced so we add:

.slider-nav li {
  flex: 1;

However it looks strange, so we add a border to the flex items so we know what’s going on.

DE69EFA1 1F24 426C 98AF FDA6682CAD86

It looks like the li’s are taking up the appropriate space, however the a tags are not.

If you add

.slider-nav a {
  display: block;
  width: 100%;

It looks a bit better however we want the text both vertically and horizontally centered, and the arrows to be smaller.

7F5A30F2 FF59 49AD B80B 8E4E1149E7DD

Starting with the arrows, change the other flex items to be flex:2 and add

.slider-nav .arrow {
  flex: 1;

Now we want to center the text. For each li, add text-align:center

343AAAFE 9097 496E 8D88 133202FE7716

We want to center the items horizontally as well, and we should be able to use align-items:center to horizontally center them (on the cross-axis). Align-items is applied to the parent.

/*Flex Container*/
.slider-nav ul {
  list-style: none;
  margin: 0;
  padding: 0;
  display: flex;
  align-items: center;

A3A35911 02CF 405E AA75 1C6FA81F535E

That is not what we want. It depends on how much content is in there.. now they are just being resized.

By default, align-items is stretch, which means it span the height of the tallest one.

We want center and align-items stretch but you cannot do both.

We want to say is the list items and the links should stretch all the way, but vertically align the content within.

What we need to do is used nested flex box.

You can apply flex properties to a flex item, and also make it a container itself.

.slider-nav li {
  flex: 2; /* this is flexitem */
  border: 1px solid red;
  text-align: center;
  display: flex; /* this is flex container*/

D6D72977 6BE8 4D24 83A0 57B1BE83594F

Now the links within the li become flex-items.

We can take off the previous styling for the link and add:

.slider-nav a {
  flex-basis: 100%;

If you add align-items:center to the li container, it will center them like so B1E7CE8B 5392 4103 B7D2 2DAA1E95A568

Using align-self:Center on the a tag also has the same effect.

What we need to do is make the link tags a flex container.

.slider-nav a {
  flex-basis: 100%;
  display: flex;

FAF24A45 B5D4 486E 9EA3 998CB984AA5C

However the text-align:center doesn’t work anymore. And there is no flex-items as the children of the a tag because they just contain text content like so:

     <a href=“#">NewSprint, Spectacle</a>

What we need to do is add another element by wrapping the contents of each a tag inside of a span

Now we can add align-items:center to the a tag flex container like so:

.slider-nav a {
  flex-basis: 100%;
  display: flex;
  align-items: center;

Before align-items:center: 99D3F633 6EED 47EB A682 9FB871E0EB1C

After align-items:center; AB69005C 0A41 4D6B 9DF4 C0911DE36133

Now we have a few other issues like the weird 4th item and none of the text is centred.

By default, spans are inline-block but we want them to be block. We also have to add width:100%

C0B26CD4 1638 4F5D 9E90 06B73025AC69

FlexBox Equal Height Columns and Leftover Elements

Equal height columns and what to do with the extra columns at the end once they have wrapped

The layout is like so:

<div class="elements">
      <div class="item">You can tell the world you never was my girl</div>
      <div class="item">You can burn my clothes when I'm gone</div>
      <div class="item large">
        Or you can tell your friends just what a fool I've been

C1C9822E 2228 48DE 9C6E B532F7F8E789

We add flex to the wrapper

.elements {
  display: flex;
  flex-wrap: wrap;

And for the flex-items

.item {
  flex: 1 1 33.3%;

394B0DA7 539E 486E 9891 1953F07E9DF3

However there should be 3 columns since we split them up by 33.3% however there is padding so we need to use calc like so:

.item {
  flex: 1 1 calc(33.33% - 20px);

096455CF E291 46C6 8E65 BEFE5E040A77

At the bottom, we have a number that is not easily divisible by 3 and the browser just splits up the extra space.

8FE42AC5 36A0 4AD8 AD6F 80970A57C832

When we try to apply justify-content:space-between to the flex container, nothing happens because we have told it to flex grow by evenly splitting the extra amounts. If we set flex-grow to zero, it will start working.

.item {
  flex: 0 1 calc(33.33% - 20px);

41D1B8D8 D8C8 4C61 ABCA A73CC209F20E

Flexbox Pricing Grid

Starting html

 <div class="pricing-grid">
      <div class="plan plan1">
        <p>Common, yet regarded by many as the worst house pet.</p>
        <ul class="features">
          <li>Scratches everything</li>
          <li>Easily lost for days</li>
          <li>Kind of a bummer</li>

        <p class="price">free</p>

        <a href="#" class="cta">😾 Really?</a>

      <div class="plan plan2">
          Loving, gentle and caring. Dogs are the best house pet to have and
          will increase happiness ten fold.
        <ul class="features">
          <li>Super Fun</li>
          <li>Friends love them</li>
          <li>Plays games</li>
          <li>Not a cat</li>

        <p class="price">$90</p>

        <a href="#" class="cta">🐶 Best Deal →</a>

      <div class="plan plan3">
        <p>Cheap n' easy.</p>
        <ul class="features">
          <li>Eats flakes</li>
          <li>Cop out</li>

        <p class="price">$3</p>

        <a href="#" class="cta">🐠</a>


/* Some CSS Setup - nothing to do with flexbox */
html {
  box-sizing: border-box;

*:after {
  box-sizing: inherit;

body {
  font-family: sans-serif;
  margin: 0;
  background-image: linear-gradient(260deg, #2376ae 0%, #c16ecf 100%);

a {
  color: white;

.plan ul {
  margin: 0;
  padding: 0;
  list-style: none;

.plan ul li {
  border-bottom: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);
  padding: 10px;

.plan ul li:last-child {
  border-bottom: 0;

.plan a {
  text-decoration: none;
  background: #feff00;
  padding: 10px;
  color: black;
  border-radius: 4px;

.plan h2 {
  text-transform: uppercase;
  color: white;
  letter-spacing: 2px;
  text-shadow: 3px 3px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);

.price {
  font-size: 50px;
  font-family: serif;
  margin: 10px 0;

.pricing-grid {
  max-width: 750px;
  margin: 0 auto;

B45FBC28 A235 466A A5AA 8AE0348CD6E2


.pricing-grid {
  display: flex;

1E29D655 5E30 4B4D 9B64 2B323FB3E0B8

We want each item to be equal space so add the following:

.plan {
  flex: 1;
  background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2);
  margin: 20px;

When you set a margin on an item that does not have an explicit width, it will eat into it.

DCBAD3BC 9501 46D3 BC6F 58FB3B1EF904

We will add some padding, align the text in the centre and add border-radius.

BE9DA79D 39F2 45C5 98B6 FAB58CBF751D

However we now want the call to action buttons on the bottom.

You could do align-items:center on the flex container and get the following:

DF20FF34 7AF2 4550 8933 AC2D820CC307

But not exactly what we want.

We have the ability to overwrite a single item and say align-self:flex-end. We try to apply it to the call to action button using

.plan .cta {
  align-self: flex-end;

However align-self can only be called on a flex-item and since the call to action is not a direct child of the .pricing-grid flex container, we need to make the .plan a flex container as well.

However, when we do that we get the following:

8F6C10D0 6C9E 4E16 9140 CAF5BDF306D8

We need to add flex-wrap:wrap so they go onto additional lines.

0B7999A2 29B7 4C8A B608 E31D78F824E6

Now we have to select all of the new flex items (direct children of .plan)

If you do

.plan > * {
  flex: 1;
  flex-basis: 100%;

FD09E89C A20A 4C74 B285 71964C60C6F3

Not ideal.. that is because we haven’t set a width on the flex-items. We need to set the flex-basis

.plan > * {
  flex: 1 1 100%;

BF1690CE CD1C 47D9 86EB 397094848EED

However, if you don’t want them all to be the same height, what we can do is on .pricing-grid we can set align-items:center for this effect:

6B2863CC 45C5 4000 AF89 9020A49F71DA

Flex Single Line Form

We want to create

FF9E6A1C EA02 407B A62A 65FDF847B06B

<div class=“cover”>
      <form class=“flex-form”>
        <input type=“search” placeholder=“Where do you want to go?” />

        <label for=“from”>From</label>
        <input type=“date” name=“from” />

        <label for=“from”>To</label>
        <input type=“date” name=“to” />

        <select name=“” id=“”>
          <option value=“1”>1 Guest</option>
          <option value=“2”>2 Guest</option>
          <option value=“3”>3 Guest</option>
          <option value=“4”>4 Guest</option>
          <option value=“5”>5 Guest</option>

        <input type=“submit” value=“Search” />

We have the following css to start with:

/* Some CSS Setup - nothing to do with flexbox */
html {
  box-sizing: border-box;

*:after {
  box-sizing: inherit;

body {
  font-family: sans-serif;
  margin: 0;
  overflow: hidden;
  background-image: linear-gradient(260deg, #2376ae 0%, #c16ecf 100%);

a {
  color: white;

.cover {
  height: 100vh;
  width: 100%;


.dog {
  height: 100%;
  -webkit-filter: blur(5px);
  filter: blur(5px);
  position: absolute;
  top: 0;
  z-index: -1;

/*Hack to get them to align properly */
.flex-form > *:not([type="date"]) {
  border-top: 1px solid white;
  border-bottom: 1px solid white;

.flex-form input[type="submit"] {
  background: #ff5a5f;
  border-top: 1px solid #ff5a5f;
  border-bottom: 1px solid #ff5a5f;
  color: white;

.flex-form > * {
  border: 0;
  padding: 10px;
  background: white;
  line-height: 50px;
  font-size: 20px;
  border-radius: 0;
  outline: 0;
  border-right: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);
  -webkit-appearance: none;

.flex-form > *:last-child {
  border-right: 0;

103AB6C8 9B7A 4853 AC84 2292B1F06CE4

First thing we want is to get our form vertically and horizontally centered.

.cover {
  display: flex;
  align-items: center;
  justify-content: center;

6B4A6488 82FE 4506 AB8E 940DD6E3C869

Next we need to make the form container also a flex container.

.flex-form {
  display: flex;

DA61AAF4 3BC2 46D8 9456 21C454CDF8F9

Now all the labels and inputs are flex-items and by default it stretches it across and make them evenly the exact same size for us.

Now we just need to adjust the first field because it is being squished like so:

input[type="search"] {
  flex-basis: 500px;

039B8E23 BD03 4E32 B4F2 109C3E1B7747

Make a Mobile App Layout with Flexbox

90A80323 985B 4F45 9245 02325AAA00BB

Build this which is responsive in height and width with no media queries or floats etc.

.app-wrap {
  display: flex;
  flex-direction: column;

Next we do

.app-wrap > * {
  flex: 1 1 auto;

We do auto because we want the header to take up as much space as it needs as well as the buttons. However when we do that there is not much improvement.

9D4C6BC1 EC95 4BF1 888F 39CA64E3E05A

Next we add

/* content */
.content {
  overflow-y: scroll;
  -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch;

D5119CE7 F51C 47E9 A3A7 EEB9B90ED308

Now we are going to do the header. We want to make the header a flex container so the link (next button and cog wheel) can be flex items for easy positioning.

.app-header {
  display: flex;

7FE3E268 6FDF 4DDF 9B83 710070AB323B

If we add align-items:center

47A0A9B3 1D68 42AD AA6E 41C2A38DFA1F

We want the buttons to have better spacing between them. We don’t want to use padding or margin because we are not sure what the screen size will be. We have access to justify-content however.

.app-header {
  display: flex;
  align-items: center;
  justify-content: space-between;

B29D9A79 E167 4226 A07C AAF4B8E84471

Next we make the icon bar a flex container

.icon-bar {
  display: flex;

.icon-bar a {
  flex: 1;

3FE95F2C 16DC 49E6 8427 7017050D813F